Tips to Keep Your Teeth Strong and Healthy this festive season


    Brush at least twice a day

    Brush your teeth after every meal as it helps prevents the growth of any bacteria in the mouth. The toothbrush must be of soft bristles and small head to ensure better and gentle cleaning experience. Soft bristles are also tender on your gums.

                                “Toothbrush should be changed 3 to 4 times a year”

    People with braces may need to use special toothbrushes and other oral hygiene tools. Consult your dentist or orthodontist for the same.



    Floss daily

    Flossing helps to remove plaque and food particles that are stuck between your teeth and under your gums. To floss properly here are some tips:

    • Take about 15 – 18 inches of floss and hold it between your thumbs and forefingers. Now, place it between your teeth and gently slide it up and down.
    • Repeat this for all of your teeth
    • Don’t forget to floss the back of your teeth.  


    Rinse or chew gum after meals

    In addition to brushing and flossing, rinsing your mouth with an antibacterial rinse can help prevent decay and gum problems. Chewing sugar-free gum after a meal is very helpful. It increases the saliva in the mouth and hence helps in neutralizing the acid. Also, it washes away the bacteria.

    Use fluoridated toothpaste

    The toothpaste must contain Fluoride as it protects the teeth in two ways:

    • Protection against demineralization -The bacteria in the mouth combine with the sugar or the undecayed food and produces acid. The acid erodes tooth enamel and hence, damages our teeth. A Fluoridated toothpaste protects the teeth from demineralization caused by the acid.
    • Helps in Remineralization – If teeth are already eroded by acid then fluoride accumulates in the demineralized areas and starts to strengthen the enamel. This process is called remineralization.

    Fluoride is extremely helpful in fighting cavities and making teeth stronger. But it is not much effective if a cavity has already formed.


    Eat smart

    At every age, a healthy diet is very essential for the well-being of teeth and gums. A well-balanced diet rich in whole foods like grains, dairy products, nuts, fruits, and vegetables will fulfil your nutrient’s need. Also, always remember to ‘Eat fresh’ only.


    Say NO to soft drinks

    Sugar-containing beverages have a very high level of sugar and drinking these can significantly contribute to tooth decay. Energy drinks, regular and ‘diet’ soft drinks,  cordials and fruit juices have high sugar levels and cause erosion of teeth.

    Tooth erosion takes place when acid attack the teeth and destroys the outer surface of tooth enamel by dissolving it. This may lead to cavities which in turn results in the exposure of inner layers of the tooth causing severe pain.

    Avoid sugary food

    The mouth is full of hundreds of bacteria and some of them are beneficial to the oral ecosystem. However, some bacteria are not at all good as they feed on the sugars and create acids which destroy the tooth enamel. Enamel is the protective layer of the tooth. Once it is damaged me experience many kinds of problems like cavities and caries. which causes pain and possible tooth loss.



    Protection from injury

    It is very important to secure your teeth from any injury. Wear a mouth guard or a helmet when playing sports.  Avoid using your teeth for anything other than chewing food. 

    DO NOT use your teeth to crack nuts, remove bottle tops or rip open packaging as it may risk chipping or even breaking your teeth.

    Tongue Brushing

    Brush your tongue to help fight the bacteria in your mouth. Tongue brushing is not only essential to keep your teeth healthy but also helps to put an end to the bad breath. Try to use a toothbrush with a tongue cleaner so you can easily remove the bacteria from your tongue every time you brush.

    Talk to Your Dentist

    Your dentist and dental hygienist will help you with oral care. Visit your dentist for regular check-ups and in case you have a query, do voice your questions. They will help you with your problems and also help build a daily brushing and flossing plan that is suited to the specific needs of your teeth.




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