Emotionally unavailable.


    I’m never able to understand what this title really means – Emotionally unavailable, especially when I’ve labelled this quite a number of times in my life. So does it mean I am completely emotionless or am I good at hiding my emotions? Okay this will be sort of a confused blog because I too am confused in myself.

    This incident is not much old. I was oh with a friend when he confessed his feelings to me and not being into him I simply refused, to which he got extremely defensive and started abusing me labelling me character less, emotionally unavailable and a b*tch???? I was shocked and amused at the same time. I was left speechless not because I was hurt by his words or something, but I wondered how easily his “love” changed into hatred, and then he tagged me as emotionally unavailable. People should know the difference between being non expressive and unavailable. 

    Someone who is emotionally unavailable is not cold but just not open to being very emotionally vulnerable at times. That’s it. People need to stop using these terms as insults. There’s absolutely nothing wrong with being the same. I know so many people who are not much emotionally  expressive but are complete sweethearts. Shaina Arora is one of them and if she’s reading this she knows exactly what I’m talking about. So if you’re emotionally closed or whatever according to others, don’t give a shit.  People are gonna talk anyways. Be whatever and however you wanna be.


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