
    Are the parents the best teacher? To answer this , different  people will have different responses, depending on their own characteristics and even educational background. However, when it comes to me, I think the first teacher we have in our lives in most cases is our parents. They teach us to speak , to walk , to talk, behave etc. From my everyday experiences and observation, I can totally agree that parents are the best teacher.

    First of all, they with great patience pass down in the essential knowledge that we need in order to join the real world. Children often copy their parent’s habits, behavior,  and traits because children are sure that parents do only right things. Often  children’s first wish is to like their mother or father. Parents are the best teacher because they wish their children a successful person and they do not teach them bad things , always support them whenever they need . However, in order to success in today’s world children need more than  just to know good manners and be able to read and write.They need a real teacher who would teach them logic, mathematics, literature etc. They also need to communicate with the children on their daily basis life . At this age, many young people reject their parent’s advice and warning as well.They begin to learn from their own personal experiences, and make conclusions

    Parents are the first person who must wear their children about the danger of anything which comes to their life. So, the role of parents is important because it gives the inner strength , and helps to understand the real world.


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