MPSC Police Admit Card 2017
MP Selection Commission (MPSC) has previously invited applications for the post of Police Constables. It is going to conduct the examination to fill 14088 vacant posts in the Police department. It is conducted every year to see that persons selected as constables possess the essential strength and ability to meet the challenges. The candidates, who are interested in joining police force and serving the country, can apply for the job. Applicants, applied for post of constable, will get the notification if their application is selected and the candidates will get the Admit card for the same.
Madhya Pradesh MPSC Police Admit Card 2017
MP commission has decided to put the admit card for their candidates on its official website very soon. So, the job aspirants who have applied for the job can collect the admit card from the official website of the board or from Only qualified candidates are eligible to write the exam and qualify further. The board had invited applications from eligible candidates some time back and many of the aspirants have applied from various districts of MP to write the exam. All those candidates are required to possess a valid admit card.
Madhya Pradesh MPSC Police Admit Card
Every year the interested candidates are notified by the MPSC regarding the examination. The candidates have to apply for the exam and pay the application fee online. This will be notified by the MPSC about the dates of submission of application. The candidates should start preparing for the exam if they have to qualify for the selection. They can refer last year’s syllabus and papers for the preparation of this year’s examination. The board will upload the admit card on its official website as soon as possible.
MPSC Police Admit Card
The MPSC has some criteria for conducting the exam. The board lay down some guidelines for the candidates and they should read them before applying for the post. There are a minimum qualification, age criteria and few more criteria for the candidates to follow. They should get the admit card once the board puts it on its official website. The candidates can download it and check if all the information provided are correct and inform the concerned officials of any change at the earliest.
How to download MPSC Admit card
- Follow the steps below to download admit card and hall ticket.
- Visit the official website-
- Select the preferred language- Hindi or English.
- You can see the admit card link.
- After clicking on that link, enter the required data like Registration Number and Date of Birth.
- Then click on Download Admit Card.
- You can save the Admit card on your computer in PDF format.
- Check the Admit card if all the details are correct.
- Then take a print out of the Admit Card for using during the exam.
Madhya Pradesh SC Police Admit Card
The MPSC will conduct the exam for 14088 posts lying vacant in MP Police. The recruitment is for both male constables and female constables. All the posts are for general duty constables. The admit card will be given for physical tests as well as written tests. The candidates should pass the particular round to progress to the next round. The admit card of the eligible candidates will be made available just 10-15 days prior to the exam date, which can be downloaded from the official website. The candidates will not be allowed to attend the exam without the admit card. The candidates are requested to download it and keep the hard copy to avoid any further problems.