Germinid Meteor Shower Expected Date, Time & More


Germinid Meteor Shower Expected Date, Time & More:

GEMINIDS Meteor Shower

After being washed by the super mine of December 2016, the Guinness will return in 2017. The famous and bright meteor shower will peak on the night of December 13 and on the morning of December 14. Miminides is considered one of the best meteor rain in each year because the individual meteor is bright, and peak meteors can see at a high level of 120 meters at a high level. Under the lightly polluted sky, less meteor will appear. [December Lights: 6 Super Facts for Gymnid Meteor Shower]

According to known records, the first record was recorded in 1833 on the banks of the river on the Mississippi river – and it is still getting stronger. In fact, it is growing so strong that because of gravity of Jupiter has tugged the stream of particles from the source of the shower, the asteroid 3200 Phaethon, close to Earth for centuries.

Director, M P Birla Planetarium, Debiprosad Duari said on Tuesday said, “And the atmosphere through which the streak is called a meteorite, generally comets, which are part of many dust ice, come closer to the sun, the sun’s radiation melts and the dust and the rock remain behind. With the comet’s class. ”

“If the Earth passes through such marks of dust particle debris in its annual speed around the Sun, then small dust particles enter the Earth’s atmosphere at a very fast pace.”


The meteor is about 2 degrees above the local time, but it can be seen by 9-10 hours. Geminids, as their name implies, the bright stars disappear from Gemini (twins) to find Gemini in the northern hemisphere, look in the south-south sky for the constellation Orion, searching by three stars in the hunter’s “belt” it’s easy. Then to see the left side of Orion and Gemini, which is high in the south-western sky, in the southern hemisphere, Gemini looks at the lower right of the Orion and both hang in the north-western sky.

Although meteorite Gemini appears from Gemini, they all appear in the sky, for the best results, you should look a little away from Gemini so that you can see the meteor with a long “tail”; You will see a meteor as soon as you gaze directly into Gemini, who do not travel far enough.


The Mimineed Near-Earth Object is connected to 3200 Fython, an asteroid which may have collided with other objects in the past to form a stream of particles in the earth – the construction of meteor shower.

Asteroids perform sun orbit in every 1.4 years. It sometimes comes close to the earth (at a safe distance) and there are only 0.15 astronomical units within the orbit of Mercury, from very close to the Sun, and from the Sun. (An astronomical unit is the distance between the sun and the earth: about 93 million miles or 150 million kilometers.)

The rocks are called meteoroids in the space that collides with the Earth’s atmosphere. They call the streak through the atmosphere as a meteor, and if they reach the ground (which does not occur with mimineide, because the particles are too small to avoid travel) the rocks are called meteorites.


There is no need for a telescope or telescope to see meteor shower – just find a place to lie on your bare eyes lying on the ground, away from the light and ideally in a dark sky area. If you are in cold weather, bring a blanket and warm clothes. Give your eyes about 20-30 minutes to adjust the darkness, then sit and enjoy the show.

By friction in the atmosphere, the particles burn and not only gives birth to only one bright streak in the sky, but many meteors are said about the meteor showers, they explained in detail.In the case of Geminid meteor shower, Mithya starts to emerge from Gemini’s constellation, it is not a comet, but an unusual asteroid called 323 Phaethon, was discovered in 1983, a famous scientist said.

Normally a meteor shower involving 3200 Fathlon, a 5.1 km rock piece, the peaks around the second week of December and some astronomers believe that the asteroids have a distant past to produce a stream of particles coming down to Earth. May be going through a collision with another object – creating a meteor shower


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