Benefits of Walking for healthy living


There are incredible benefits of walking. Walking is good for your health, walking lifts up your mood. Daily Walking helps to strengthen your joints. It strengthens your heart, tone your legs, and circulate more blood and oxygen to your body organs, muscles and on to your brain. Regular walking helps to sheds weight. If you’re not so fitness freak and hates going to gym, thus looking for some form of exercise which eventually take care of your health then Walking is the best option.

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There is no amount of money is involved in doing it, only  just some amount of time is needed to indulge in walking which ultimately reap benefits for you only. Your few steps daily can lead you a long way in terms of your health.

So let me bring to you the incredible benefits of walking:

  • Walking supports your joints– there is no direct supply of blood on majority of our joint cartilage. The joint gets nutrition from joint fluid that circulates as we move. The more you walk, the stronger the bones in your hips and legs can become which also helps to protect against fracture.

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  • Boost your immunity – according to a study done in North Carolina, a moderately paced walk for about 30 to 45 minutes daily can increase the number of immune system cells in your body and over a period of time, it will have incredible effect on your body’s ability to fight disease.


  •  Walking improves your breath– while walking your breathing rate increases, causing oxygen to travel faster through bloodstream helping to eliminate waste products and improves your energy level and ability heal.

·        Good for cardiovascular health– regular walking improves cardiac risk factors such as cholesterol, blood pressure, obesity, stress and diabetes. Brisk walking is a great form of physical activity, it refers to your exertion. Brisk walking is just walking faster than normal pace but not as fast as a run. However it depends on person to decide the pace but if your knees don’t support for brisk walking, then walking at moderate pace will also give you desired benefits. The speed at which you walk also makes the difference.

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  • It does not leads to injury– walking has low impact workout and it does not pose any risk of injury. People of all age groups can walk and it will helps in tissue cleansing for those in their 50’s.


Walking in short will help to tone your thighs and butt, increase supply of oxygen, and improves your overall health. You will be more relaxed as you get time for yourself to think and it’s just like meditation.

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Infact while walking one can listen to music which will rejuvenate one’s mind or else listen to podcast which is like Walking with Learning, or else walk with your partner or family or with friends which is quite enjoyable. so folks make your mind , get up and walk all the way for your health.

So indulge in regular walking session at least for an hour or less and feel the difference.




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