Recently there has been a surge in the use of Rap ID in the rapid identification of pharmaceutical raw materials. The leading cause of this increased use is that Raman instrumentation uses intelligent decision-making software, which is ideal for molecular fingerprinting purposes. Many traditional analytical techniques are time-consuming, most of which require more exhaustive samples. On the other hand, Raman needs no sample pretreatment. Here are some of the benefits.
Rap ID Faster In Terms Of Testing Throughput
Excessive production of materials in opaque containers may cause problems in pharmaceutical manufacturing. Such a problem arises because you need a dedicated sampling area to open, sample, test, and re-seal the container to verify the container’s identity. RapID enables you to confirm the contents of each container in the warehouse without having to open, sample or re-sealing. Thus, this ensures the immediate release into production and saves on handling and lab testing, reducing unnecessary delays to only minutes per batch.
It Maintains Sterility
RapIDis a form of Molecular Spectroscopy that ensures it is noninvasive. As a result, the parenteral and biological products benefit from Sterilite. This is because there is no entry of bacterial or cross-contamination. Thus this provides more extended Shelf life storage. Storage issues are also prevented by minimizing the opening of the containers in protective environments. All hazardous materials are stored and transported enclosed in plastic containers. Such containers can be measured quickly but safely without exposing the dangerous materials to the operators.
Rap ID Is Highly Compatible With Other Containers
RapID has minimal restrictions on containers compared to conventional handheld Raman devices. It is also compatible with various materials, including plastic sacks, opaque plastic drums, multi-layer paper, and thick amber glass bottles. Another significant benefit of using RapID is that it is available in a range of optional accessories. Hence this makes it easy to work with a variety of different shaped containers.
How SORS Does Compares With Conventional Raman Spectroscopy
SORS operates through millimeters of material. It ensures accurate chemical analysis through the barriers materials like plastic, fabric, paper, glass, or skin. By using this method, you don’t need any previous knowledge of the surface or container material. It does not also require direct physical contact. On the other hand, the Conventional Raman spectroscopy is only confined to surfaces. Many times it is reliant on transparency of packaging or, betters still, the coatings for analysis. The problem with this method is that the Opening containers can potentially expose personnel to hazardous materials: such harmful material includes narcotics or high potency, API’s which is found in pharmaceutical raw material testing.
SORS operates using measurements to determine the spectrum of content in the container. There is a conventional measurement where the laser illumination light collects. As a result, this form of Molecular Spectroscopy yields a signal which usually dominates the container material. As a result, a partially offset measurement contains a more significant Raman contribution from the contents, especially where the excitation and collection are separated. At the end of it, a scaled subtraction of the two measurements establishes a clean spectrum of the contents to make it easier to identify.