veg wins over nonveg!


    It started me thinking.. Why do the non-vegetarians are so bothered about the fact that veggies are least interested inating they’re oh so delicious meat …

    When I say that killing is cruelty and hence I don’t eat they retort by saying that plants have life too

    Yes, they have the life too but they aren’t sentient. They can’t feel pain or perceive it since they lack a central nervous system, pain receptors and a brain. Hence, there’s no ethical issue in eating a potato or an apple. Having said that, if one day we discover that plants do have souls, it would still make much more sense to eat just veggies coz a lot more plants have to be killed in order to feed the livestock before they are slaughtered .

    Also, I eat vegetables which grow back. Does the chicken come back alive like the phoenix? I don’t think so .

    And then there’s the episode of shakti man – the horse, people pouring in their sympathies . Hey, atleast he didn’t eat shakti man you know . just saying. They might say it’s a poor horse! But I geometrically cut it into pieces and deeply fry it golden adding the adequate spices and offer the same. Wouldn’t you eat?

    But then I made peace with all that. You slit million such shakti means necks on a so-called festival just so the poor thing drains off all its blood. You show no gratitude towards an animal which has offered you the creamy spreads between the bread, the unparalleled ingredient in those mouth melting chocolates, the good luck potion which your mum gives you before the exams. You go on blabber about the taste during the lunch periods emphasising which part is better. I made peace with all this shit

    Why can’t you? You should actually possess the sense of all the animals you eat too isn’t it? That’s what my social studies teacher said when I was in 7th. I bet her dinner was dumber. She was greatly disturbed when she learnt that I was a vegetarian. Funny thing how people bloat their chests to have converted vegetarians by coercion. They have such a bright future I say
    as I was saying why can’t you just accept respect and move on. You need not actually be on a agenda to convert people by arguing that it’s equally cruel to cut trees or that plants lack the nutrients necessary or that we should be maintaining ecological balance. Hey if the world turned vegetarian it would be a greener one since a decline in meat consumption would cut down the greenhouse gases emissions.

    It’s a not a race against me versus you. It’s not that I’m cheating in the path of righteousness leaving you behind. Its just a choice*. Quit acting like a younger sibling and let me be .

    *why is it a choice when I’m born into a vegetarian family? – like you say always that all such families indeed eat but are hypocritical about it. I agree. Everyone have begun to eat making it a choice for me to eat just like them or remain like I was born.


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