When crushes screw friendship.


    How many times have you found yourself stuck in a situation where you’ve started developing a crush on your close friend and BAMMMMMMM everything else goes sloshing down the gutter. Your friendship, peace of mind, everything.

    Guys if any of you are in this dilemma right now, then take my word “It does not work out”. Well not for the majority of the population as far as I know  but there are exceptions always. And you can always be one of them but normally it just doesn’t happen. I know you’ll expect to fall in love with your best friend just like in the movies but what happens is the complete opposite. You will feel all the butterflies and Jitters in the gut but once you let the other person acknowledge your feelings, things get shitty and messy like never before. What happens, in the end, is that you loose a really good friend because god forbid of the other person doesn’t feel the same way then you end up being the tool who misinterpreted friendship for something else which is not a good tag to live with. I am encouraging anyone here to stop expressing their feelings for someone but from my real life experience I can say this for sure “Choose Friendship over crushes”
    Crushes are short term but friends are forever.  You will never have regrets about losing a crush in the long term but losing a good friend is the greatest loss ever. Trust me on this! Don’t fall in this dark pit fellas, never mix Friendships and feelings ,for no one likes ending up alone and embarrassed.


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