How Modern Technologies Change Education


If I ask someone what is the greatest gift of science? Undoubtedly everyone will answer that the improvement in the field of communication and education was revolutionary. Imagine those days when people have to wait for a long time to collect a knowledge or simply know about any topic, but nowadays people can know anything within a second. It has all become possible due to the revolutionary improvement in technology.

In my childhood I used to do the class where there was black board, chalk and duster. But now white board and projector has took the place of those. As a result teaching has become more easy and understandable for everyone.

Here I am sharing my thoughts how modern technologies has contributed to change education system:

Created a Global Platform:

Nowadays people can attain any class from anywhere of the world. Online teaching has changed the meaning of teaching in a great extent. Due to this revolution people can gain knowledge from anywhere. Moreover, the education has become more interesting and a mater of enjoyment. People get more chance to learn now. Education is not only for the chosen one anymore, technology makes more accessible for everyone.

Education now extends beyond the classroom walls:

Students can attain their class from home if they want. Students can do their homework when they are at bus stand waiting for the bus and they can submit it to their teacher through internet. Mobile classroom technology has already bridged the gap between classroom and home learning.

Textbooks are becoming rare:

I can remember my days of going to school, I had to carry a lot of books on my bag. As a result I used to skip the classes. But now look at this generation they don’t need to carry a lot of books instead of those they simply carry an e-book reader and that e-book reader can contain thousands of books at a time. That’s really the revolutionary improvement.

Improved Teacher- Student Interaction:

Nowadays communication has improved a lot. As a result, interaction between teacher and students has become more easy and they can keep in touch whenever they want from anywhere in the world.

Instant Access to Information:

Students can access any information instantly. They can learn more than the text books or class lecture. As maximum of these information is free of cost day by day students are relaying on this speedy medium of gaining knowledge.

Uses of Multimedia:

At present there are very few class which does not have multimedia projectors. Using multimedia in the class room make the students to understand anything easily. Moreover, using animation and videos have transformed traditional learning methods and made the learning more engaging, fun and entertaining.

Possibility of Special care for the Special Students:

There are lots of mobile apps that helps differently abled students. Because of those apps education for them has become more accessible which was impossible in traditional teaching method previously.

Modern Devices make students motivated:

With the appearance of modern devices, the learning and teaching methods have changed in a great extent. It has already made the educational process more easy as a result it has made students more inspired and motivated. They are getting more information nowadays because of these modern devices.

Online resources:

The most important improvement in education is nothing but online resources as it has created an information pool that is always up to date. If any student wants to know the current situation of any topic, he has to mostly rely on this vast source. If you want to know how many pages you have written on digital platform you can easily check it by using word to pages.

Online Degrees:

There are many instituted which are offering Assignment help services and anyone from the any part of the world can attain this course and get degrees without physically attain in the classes. Really this is a blessing for those who couldn’t attain those physically due to financial crisis or physical disability.

Simplifying lesson preparation

Students can prepare their lessons very easily as they have now more access of information. Whatever information they need they can easily get it using the internet. As a result preparing lessons for class has become more simplified. There are many websites which helps students to prepare lessons personally I will recommend you –

  • Khan academy,
  • Skillshare,
  • Udemy.
  • Coursera.
  • Youtube

Reduced the Cost:

Technology improvement reduces the cost of education. For example, students need not to buy a lot of books instead of that they can simply download the desired e-book version of that required book, they can take notes on digital platform. Moreover, they can collect notes from their friend without any cost via e-mail or messaging apps. Really digital platform plays a great role on reducing cost of education as result many poor students get chance to learn.

In conclusion, I would like to say that technology has changed education in various ways. It has   made education more accessible and meaningful to the students. Now interaction between teacher and students also increase and education is not consider as burden any more in fact it has become the medium of fun and entertainment to them. In a word I must have to admit that, technology has played a vital and positive role on education to improve the process of learning.

If you have any suggestion regarding this topic how can technology can improve education system more then don’t forget to comment us on the comment section.



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