“Haus” digital partner for your buying and selling of property!


    Uber co-founder and CEO of Expa Studios Garrett Camp, Going to launch Expa’s latest project called the “Haus”. It focuses  on the buying and selling of only residential property.

    Haus digitizes the entire experience for the user, the platform lets people who want to sell put their listing on the platform, where buyers and their agents can both post their offers for the users, 

    The real estate business is not exactly  known for its transparency and there are trust issues too. While sellers are required to show them every offer, buyers have little access to the actual things.

    Haus this platform aims to clear up that doubt and by showing each offer and make everything transparent.

    While platform like Haus helps sellers measure the demand on their property which they posted, it might also get away potential buyers who don’t want to get in a war over an already expensive purchase.

    There might also be some question over the transparency angle, Haus offers way more efficiency when it comes to presenting offers to the buyer.

    Haus is not charging  anything at present, but later they plan to pull from the broker fee once the company gets started and settles down.

    After their first venture uber which took the world by storm lets see how this one works and benefit the real estate industry.

    Till then lets see how this platform will change the way of people selling and buying properties.

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    cheers and chase your dreams!


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