TSNPDCL Assistant Engineer Exam Admit Card 2015:Telangana AE exam 2015 date announced on its official website tsnpdcl.cgg.gov.in. TSNPDCL AE Exam will be held on 8th November 2015 at various examination centres across Telangana State.Northern Power Distribution Company of Telangana Limited (TSNPDCL) will be going to organize Assistant Engineer examination different centers. Now all those candidates who applied for TSNPDCL AE Recruitment 2015 are advised to download TSNPDCL AE Hall Ticket 2015 at official websites tsnpdcl.cgg.gov.in.
164 posts of Assistant Engineer (Electrical, Civil and CS/IT). For which TSNPDCL will conduct A written exam in the month of November, 2015. So, All The Candidates who are going to take part in the given examination can get the whole detailed information.Here you may follow simple steps to download TSNPDCL AE Hall ticket 2015.
TSNPDCL Assistant Engineer Exam Admit Card 2015
In order to attend the exam,applicants have to download TSNPDCL AE Exam Admit Card 2015.Without valid admit card applicants at any cost wont be allowed to attend the written exam.Applicants can completed information about written test like date,time & Venue details on the admit Card they have printed the exam date, timing and centers so aspirants are advised to note down the exam timings very carefully.OMR answer sheets with carbon impression will be provided. Candidates need to use only black ball point pen. (No use of white fluids for striking the answer)Aspirants need to submit the original OMR sheets to the invigilator and they can take away the carbon impressed paper.
TSNPDCL AE Syllabus 2015 Exam Pattern
Earlier, the Northern Power Distribution Company of Telangana Limited (TSNPDCL) had invited online applications for Assistant Engineer(AE) in Electrical, Civil and CS/IT. Now TSNPDCL is going to conduct AE exam.
- The latest update is that TSNPDCL AE Hall tickets are going to be available. Candidates can download them from the direct link provided below by entering their registration number.
- All the details like exam venue, time & date etc. had been mentioned in the admit card.
- Candidates should bring the admit card along with one id proof at the time of exam.
- The use of electronics devices is strictly banned in the exam hall.
How to Download TSNPDCL AE Hall Ticket 2015:
- Candidates must logon to official website – http://tsnpdcl.cgg.gov.in.
- Click on link named ‘ TSNPDCL AE admit card 2015 ‘.
- Enter your registration details and click on submit button.
- Take a printout of admit card.